Life Sustainers Natural Health & Nutrition Market

Life Sustainers Natural Health Market- Holisitic

Anthroposnet Assessment


Anthroposnet Assessment


Anthropometric measurements on the morphology of the human being have shed light on many important associations between different diseases and organic functions, the length of the femur, the size of the bones of the hands, the structure of the skull and other physical characteristics. The use of AnthroposNet allows to obtain a profile of risks and predispositions according to the precise constitution of the body, together with a guideline to avoid or improve physical ailments. Preventive medicine is the key to longevity and long-term health.

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Anthropometric measurements on the morphology of the human being have shed light on many important associations between different diseases and organic functions, the length of the femur, the size of the bones of the hands, the structure of the skull and other physical characteristics. The use of AnthroposNet allows to obtain a profile of risks and predispositions according to the precise constitution of the body, together with a guideline to avoid or improve physical ailments. Preventive medicine is the key to longevity and long-term health.

This is an in-person assessment, or it can be done distantly, however you will be required to correctly take your own measurements with a guided video. An in-depth health history is also required to be filled out.

Anthropometry, the study of human morphological variables, arises from the understanding of biomechanical principles and from the correlation between body proportions and physiology. From an evolutionary point of view, climatic variations, environmental exposures, diet and other factors can induce changes in human morphology which can then be genetically transmitted. From the perspective of preventive medicine, structural variations are not only indicative of survival strategies but also of specific and singular adaptive bodily functions. The relationship between various body measurements (height, weight, fat percentage, etc.) and blood chemistry values ​​for example provides an epidemiological understanding of the function of markers of different body areas.

A typical example is found in the relationship between excess abdominal fat and heart disease or hypertension and insulin resistance. All these reports, and many others, have been studied in depth both epidemiologically and clinically. In fact, obesity and the metabolic syndrome determined by the circumference of the waist are key elements in nutrigenomics (the study of food and its nutritional elements based on genetic expression).